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April 21, is a red-letter day in the history of Indian Public Relations. It is because the National Public Relations Day is celebrated on this day all over the country since 1986.

The First All India Public Relations Conference was organised in Delhi on April 21, 1968. The theme of the conference was ‘Professional Approach’. This was a significant public relations meet, when a professional approach was given to public relations (a change from publicity, press a gentry, information) besides adopting a Code of Ethics for PR profession. In fact that was the beginning of professional public relations in India.

Since then, PRSI had more than 35 All India PR conferences including the 9th PR World Congress in Bombay in 1982 and the first Asia Pacific PR Meet in Kolkata during January, 1998 and International Public Relations Conference at Bangalore in 2002.

The objective behind designating April 21 as National Public Relations Day is to focus attention on public relations function and public relations professionals in India who have an increasingly important role in the development of the country. Specific theme for the day is identified to organise events to highlight the issues selected in the theme. The day is celebrated by each Chapter of PRSI across the country.

National PR Day Message

Message by the President on National PR Day-2023

Message by the President on National PR Day-2022

Message by the President on National PR Day Message 2021

Message by the President on National PR Day Message 2019

Message by the President on National PR Day Message 2018

 Message by the President on National PR Day Message 2017

National PR Day Report

- National PR Day Report 2023
- National PR Day Report 2022
- National PR Day Report 2020
- National PR Day Report 2019
- National PR Day Report 2018



Contact Us

Click on the links below to get the contact details of PSRI Shimla Chapter members.

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